Whole Life

What is MNCR?

Learn more about what My Non-Chemical Romance is all about.

Creating Kids that are good eaters

Getting kids to eat healthy can be difficult. Here are 12 simple steps to help your child become a more well rounded eater.

The US Versus The World - Eating Habits

Why does it seem like the USA has such a bad relationship with food? Why does it seem like people in Italy can eat pasta all day long but not be obese? Let’s take a look.

Maintaining your sourdough starter

FAQ’s answered about keeping that starter healthy and alive.

How I Get My Kids To eat Their vEggies

Learn how I help my kids get in the micronutrients from veggies that they need.

Using dried beans

I love dried beans for the nutritional value and because they’re dang cheap. Here’s an easy guide that doesn’t involve boiling on the stove.

my Food paradigm

Understand the basics of how I eat and the reasons behind it. Learn about some of my favorite food influences. 

Why I don't own A scale

Learn why I decided to throw my scale away and why I am never buying one ever again. Feel the freedom!

Balanced Eating

Do you feel like a terrible person if you eat a cookie? Finding the balance in your life can be hard, here’s some ideas to help.

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