Huevos Rancheros

Huevos Rancheros

Welcome to a balanced meal that Fills the belly and taste delicious.

Huevos Rancheros

Filling fiber that’s perfect for anytime of the day. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner yes yes yes!

  • Prep Time10 min
  • Cook Time5 min
  • Total Time15 min


    For The Beans

    • 1 Cup Cooked Beans - Any assortment, I like pinto best
    • 1/2-1 tsp Salt to taste
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1/2 tsp onion powder
    • 1/2 tsp black pepper

    Pico De Gallo

    • 1 Diced Tomato
    • 1/4 Cup diced cilantro
    • 1/4 Cup diced Onion
    • 1/2 Lime
    • 1 Avocado cubed
    • Pinch of Salt

    The Rest

    • 4 Corn Tortillas
    • 4 Eggs


    For The Beans


    Combine all the ingredients for the beans into a pot and cook on high until warmed. Add a bit of water if needed. Taste for salt and add as needed.

    For The Pico De Gallo


    Combine all the salsa ingredients except the lime and salt and place them into a bowl. 


    Squeeze the lime juice over the salsa and sprinkle with salt. 

    The Rest


    Warm the corn tortillas on a griddle or in a pan. Drizzle with olive oil if needed and set aside.


    Spread bean mixture over the cooked corn tortilla and put it on a plate.


    Cook an egg to your preference, I did over easy with yolky goodness. Place on top of the beans and tortilla.


    Top with salsa and enjoy!

    I am always amazed at how filling and delicious beans are. 

    These Huevos Rancheros come together quite nicely and fast.

    First, cut up all your ingredients for your homemade pico de gallo. Put it all in a bowl and mix. You may want to taste test to see if it needs more salt or lime. I like to have mine tasting bright and to get that, you need a good balance between the salt and lime. You may have to do a bit of back and forth with the salt and lime to get it to your liking. Just be careful not to over salt. I also suggest cutting your onions a bit smaller than your tomatoes and avocados, just to avoid any spicy offsetting bites. Set it aside and move on to your tortillas. 

    Heat up either a skillet or a pan on medium heat. Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the pan to help soften the tortilla and add some good fat to your meal. Sometimes I’ll even drizzle some on the top of the tortilla to ensure that softness stays. 

    Make sure not to over cook your tortillas. If you cook them too long then they’ll be too tough to eat. You want to heat them so they are warm, not toasted, with maybe a very small amount of browning. A tough tortilla is a real pain in the ars.

    Once your tortillas are done, set them aside. I always put them on plates, ready for their next step. It’s less mess this way, and you’ll have to move them to their plates to put the salsa and the egg on anyway. Take out the middle man and make life just that much easier.

    While your tortillas are cooking, put your beans into a small pot. Add the seasonings and a small amount of water. I usually add a few tablespoons to keep the beans from burning. Don’t feel like you have to measure that out perfectly. It really doesn’t matter as long as you keep it to a small amount. You don’t want your beans drowning in liquid, but you just need a bit of buffer between them and the pan. Just a bit will do. If you accidentally add too much water, you can either add more beans, or cook the beans a bit longer on a boil, letting the air evaporate as it cooks. 

    Turn on the heat to medium high, and stir occasionally. If your beans are not mushed up together, but separate beans, then what I do is stir to intentionally break up the beans and make them into a mashed up “hill of beans”. Ah ha! (Insert the laugh from Disney’s Robin Hood, King John).

    You do not have to stir continually, but be watchful so you don’t let them dry out too much. Once your beans are done, spread a desired amount over your cooked tortillas. Set aside and cover if there’s any left that you’d like to eat.

    Next, use a frying pan to make your eggs. I love using yolky sunny side up eggs. They just make this dish for me. You can make your eggs sunny side up but simply putting a lid over the eggs while cooking them on medium high. Once the white part is cooked, you are good to go. You can decide to use any type of egg you want, and it will be just as delicious. My mom, bless her heart, does not like runny eggs. So when I make this for her, I make them scrambled. Once your eggs are done, put them on top of the tortilla and beans. Top with your freshly made pico de gallo and enjoy!

    This dish can be done for any time of the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it, it works!

    This has become a new favorite “go-to” meal for me. It’s fast, super balanced and delicious. With the fiber from the beans it also lasts me all the way to lunch. You can use any beans you want for this meal, but my favorite is pinto. There’s a deep richness that comes from pinto beans that you don’t get with white or black beans. 

    Not only that, but it’s also super delicious. Some people feel that healthy food means that it doesn’t taste as delicious as food that’s not as good for your body. I say BULL SHIRT! Pardon my French, but seriously, why can’t healthy well balanced food be also very delicious.  Well, guess what people, it can. Part of that has to do with quality materials, which doesn’t mean expensive, but just whole. I don’t usually use canned beans, I soak them from being dried and cook them myself. Here’s a great an easy tutorial on how I cook my beans so I don’t have to worry about it. It does take time, but it’s in a slow cooker, so you really don’t have to worry about pots boiling over or making sure there is enough water. 

    Be careful not to overcook the tortillas when you are heating them up. I drizzle a bit of olive oil over them and just warm them. If you overcook them you’ll end up with a hardshell taco that’s difficult to bite through, and that’s no fun. A little browning is ok, but take it easy.

    The salsa for this is so delicious the way I have it, but you can also improvise with the ingredients that you have on hand too. Just try to have everything fresh. Canned tomatoes don’t have the chew and texture that fresh tomatoes have. A squirt of lime is amazing over the top, but if you don’t have a lime, try a splash of vinegar. 

    The salsa really pulls all of the ingredients together and gives this dish a nice brightness that the rich yolky goodness to the earthy flavor of the beans and tortilla really need. I’m a sucker for yolky eggs, and any time I get the choice to have them this way I jump at the chance.  This is such a great dish for that, but if you’re not a yolky egg person, no worries. My mom does not like yolky eggs and she eat these with scrambled eggs and loves them. Any eggs will do and still be amazing.

    I love it when I can find a way that makes sense to eat veggies for breakfast. Not only that, but you’ve got cilantro to start your day. It’s fresh and helps with a slew of things including ridding the body of heavy metals,  lowering your blood sugar levels and regulating menstrual cycles, where my girls at?!

    This is such a fast meal to bring together.

    This meal takes 10-15 minutes. I call that quick. That’s about as long as it takes to order and get food at McDonalds, except you didn’t have leave home. 

    You’ll also save the money you were going to spend on a meal for your family. This is by far the cheapest meal that I’ve created. Dried beans cost anywhere from $1-$2 dollars for an entire bag. Corn tortillas are also very reasonably priced and eggs are about the cheapest protein out there besides beans. You’ll only use one tomato, one onion and a bit of cilantro. Spritz it all with lime juice and zap! A delicious, well balanced meal that not only is filling but is healthy too.  Life is so wonderful when things work out.

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