Crouton Breakfast Bowl

Crouton Breakfast Bowl

Just FYI: Recipes always come first here at MNCR.

Crouton Breakfast Bowl

Get a balanced meal for breakfast that will last you for hours. Not to mention you’re getting in your veggies first thing in the morning!

  • Prep Time5 min
  • Cook Time10 min
  • Total Time15 min
  • Serves2 people


  • Sourdough or Artisan Bread Loaf
  • Butter
  • 1 - 2 TBS Olive Oil
  • 2 mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 zucchini diced
  • 1/4 onion diced
  • 4-6 cherry toms sliced in half
  • 4-6 olives, sliced in half
  • 1/2 sprig fresh oregano, stem removed
  • 2 diced garlic cloves
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4-6 eggs
  • Cheese for sprinkling - I used parmesan


Prepare the toast


Take your bread slices and make toast. Use the amount of toast you want depending on how many slices of toast you want in your bowl ( I usually do 1-2 slices).


Toast your bread in the toaster to your favorite setting. I like my well done and crunchy. 


When done, lightly butter your toast. Then cut the slices into small, bite sized cubes. Set aside.

Cook the Veggies


In a medium sized saucepan add the olive oil, onion, oregano and garlic on high heat. Cook until fragrant. About 3-4 minutes


Add the rest of the mushrooms, zucchini, cherry tomatoes and olives and cook for a few minutes. Lightly salt and pepper to taste. The object here isn’t to wilt all of your vegetables into a mush, but to marry the flavors and warm the veggies. This should take about 5 minutes. Then pour the mix into two serving bowls.


Add the cubed bread to the bowls and combine.

For the eggs


Next, using the same pan that you used for the veggies, add a bit more oil and cook on high heat.


Cook the eggs your favorite way. I cooked them over easy, where the yolk is still gooey but all the white is cooked.


Add the eggs to the top of the serving dishes. Sprinkle with the cheese of your choice and enjoy!

This breakfast warms my stomach and fills me up for a long time. It is the perfect balanced breakfast. Feel free to add your favorite fruit on the side to cover all the bases and get your fruit intake for the day. 

This is by far my most favorite breakfast!

This breakfast takes the cake! It is the most balanced meal that I’ve ever created for a breakfast item. It has all the elements of a balanced diet, including protein, fats, carbs and your micronutrients. Tasty veggies for breakfast is always a win in my book!

This dish is fast, and pretty darn easy to make.

Not only that, but if you play your cards right you only need to use one pan. I cook the veggies first, put them in a bowl when they’re done, and then use that same pan for the eggs. I usually don’t even wash it, but just add a bit more oil if needed. Not to shabby if I do say so myself! The thing that makes this dish so special is the sourdough bread element. It’s tangy and chewy, as well as crunchy and buttery. You can definitely buy sourdough bread from the store, but most of that bread hasn’t truly been “soured” in the traditional sense of the word. Most sourdough bread in the stores are actually just baked and processed like normal bread that they just add a sour taste to. 

The bummer thing about store bought bread is that you're not getting the health benefits from real sourdough bread.

Homemade sourdough bread takes at least 12 hours to make. To be clear, you are not working for 12 hours. In fact, the bread does most of the work on it’s own. But during that time, it’s breaking down the gluten and sugars in the loaf. This reduces the glycemic index by almost half of what a regular loaf of bread is. That’s great news not just for diabetics, but for us all! Not only that, but sourdough bread also breaks up the nutrient blockers that are found in wheat called “phytic acid”. This makes it so that we can digest and absorb the nutrition from wheat effectively. Grandma knows what she’s doing right?! Unfortunately, store bought sourdough doesn’t usually have these benefits. Sourdough doesn’t have to be complicated, it just takes a bit of practice. Click here for my easy no fuss tutorial on amazing sourdough bread that you can make in less than a day.

YOlky eggs...

Ok, one of my other must have elements with this dish are the yolky eggs. I know that they are not for everyone, so make your eggs how you like people and mom (yes, she doesn’t like the yolk, but I love her so much still). But, as for me and my house, we like yolky eggs! Especially how it combines the entire dish together with it’s buttery golden syrup. It’s just so darn good!  

Well, I leave you with the immortal words of The Unsinkable Molly Brown: “EAT HEARTY BOYS!”.

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